Giving Tuesday - Office of Development and University Relations - University of Dallas

Giving Tuesday - Office of Development and University Relations - University of Dallas

Give to the Cor Fund today so we can dream big for tomorrow.

 [ cor: noun, Latin — the heart ]

UD’s annual fund, the Cor Fund, is the lifeblood of the University of Dallas. It supports the ongoing work of our faculty and the education and formation of our students. The Cor Fund gives the university the flexibility to address the most pressing needs of our students and faculty.

Simply put, your contribution will be used to do the most good.

Hear from UD alumni and students firsthand about the importance of the Cor Fund:

Why give to the Cor Fund?

The Cor Fund supports our university’s greatest needs: competitive student scholarships, faculty research and enrichment, speakers providing intellectual engagement, and recreational activities to nourish the mind and body as well as the soul.

Will my gift make a difference?

Yes. Each gift to the Cor Fund, regardless of size, has an immediate and tangible impact on our students and faculty. Here are a few examples of how your gift can make a difference:

  •   50 gifts of $25 fly a student with financial need to Rome.
  •   8 gifts of $50 buy books for one student for one semester.
  •   3 gifts of $250 create an equipment grant for a faculty member or department.
  •   4 gifts of $400 cover a summer semester for a student with financial need.

Did you know 96% of students receive scholarships or financial aid from the university in order to attend?

Mary Katherine Johnson“ As a student and scholarship recipient at UD, I am so thankful for the Cor Fund. I have had the immense privilege of studying the liberal arts at one of the finest Catholic universities in the country, not to mention spending a semester abroad in Rome. It would be an understatement to say that UD has changed my life, so I can only say: Thank you!  ”- Mary Katherine Johnson, BA ’20