How to Pay Online

How to Pay Online

Payment Login Instructions

Student Login to Transact Payments

To log into Transact Payments, students will log into BannerWeb and click on "Manage Student Account Via Transact Payments." 

Parent login to Transact Payments

Parents desiring to see the charges, payments, installment notes, 1098T’s, or eBills will need to have their own login to Transact Payments. Their student will need to set them up with a login.  Student Account Services does not have any ability to set up parents or authorized users.  Students wanting to set up a parent or authorized user will do the following:

  1. The student will need to log in to Banner Web and click on "Manage Student Account Via Transact Payments."
  2. Once the student is inside Transact Payments, they will need to click on “My Account" at the top of the page.
  3. Once on the next page, find the heading "Payers" and then click on "Send a Payer Invitation."  
  4. Fill out the form and click "Send Invitation." 
  5. The parent or authorized user will go to to log into the payment portal.  They will go down to Transact Payments and click on the link to log into using their parent or authorized user credentials.   

The parent or authorized user will be able to see the financial information for the student.

Credit Card Policy:

All debit and credit card payments for tuition, fees, and room/board will be subject to a convenience fee of 2.95% (domestic cards) and 4.25% (international cards). The minimum service fee for card transactions over $20 and less than $106 will be $3. We accept cash, check, electronic checks, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. There are no fees charged for electronic checks. 

For more information on the convenience fee and payment options, visit our website at:

The Office of Finance no longer accepts credit or debit card payments in person or by telephone. 

eBills in Transact Payments:

Transact Payments provides eBills to allow online viewing of a student’s bill. Each time an eBill is uploaded, an email will be sent out to those students and parents who have login credentials initials on the Transact Payments system. You can then log into Transact Payments to view the eBill.

Activity Details 

On the Transact Payments portal, there is a real-time view of the student account.  This view is under the heading  "Activity Details."  A user may go in anytime and see an updated view of their student account by clicking the "Activity Detail" menu. 

BMT Refund Program:

We have partnered with BMT to deliver your financial aid refund. For more information about BMT, visit this link: