The Core is an opportunity to inquire into the fundamental aspects of being and our relationship with God, nature and our fellow human beings.
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The master’s degree in pastoral ministry is designed to equip those who wish to serve in parishes, dioceses or other ministerial settings with in-depth theological knowledge and effective pastoral skills.
The Master of Pastoral Ministry program consists of 36 credit hours. Students combine the ministry core curriculum (21credit hours) with degree-specific courses (9 credit hours) and elective courses (6 credit hours). The core curriculum includes a capstone project in which students have the opportunity to integrate their knowledge with pastoral practice within a dynamic ministerial context, accompanied by a seasoned practitioner.
The following courses are required for all of the MPM degrees:
The required core classes (21 credit hours) are supplemented with degree specific courses (9 credit hours) and elective courses (6 credit hours), depending on the concentration selected. For more details on the courses required for each concentration, we invite you to learn more about our pastoral ministry concentrations:
The Campus Ministry concentration prepares those interested in working with young adults faced with both the challenges of high school and/or college life as well as the accompanying questions about faith, values, and vocation. Pastoral skills are developed through coursework, field education and a capstone.
Degree Specific Course Requirements
The Church Management concentration is especially helpful for present or future parish business administrators and diocesan business managers who want more grounding in theology and ministerial practice, as well as for priests, deacons and pastoral associates who wish to strengthen their administrative and leadership skills. Through field education and electives, the concentration provides ministers with theological pastoral, financial, and management skills crucial for the efficient operation of churches and schools.
The Health Care concentration combines theology and pastoral ministry courses with on-site Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) at an accredited CPE program in regional hospitals designed to equip the student with pastoral skills for work in health care ministry. This program contributes to the student's ability to meet the certification standards of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.
The Youth Ministry concentration provides the preparation needed to address the spiritual growth of youth in a parish or school setting. Pastoral skills are developed by course work, field education and a capstone.