King Fellow Citation 2018 - Bob Kugelmann
The King Fellow is awarded this year to a consummate teacher who is also an internationally recognized scholar. Students, both graduate and undergraduate, flourish under his gentle encouragement and his support for their research. An author of more than 40 peer-reviewed articles and three monographs, this scholar is admired for his erudition and his ability to see into the eyes of the soul, as well as the soul of the eye. His international expertise in psychology and religion has been recognized by the esteemed Cambridge University Press, A teacher among us now for nearly 40 years, a graduate himself of our Institute of Philosophic Studies, this teacher has served as chair of his department, on innumerable committees, on the faculty senate and now has been strongly formative in our new major in Human Sciences. Perhaps most importantly, this year’s King Fellow is recognized as a gentle soul who often serves as the moderator in tense situations. A strong supporter of others, this professor is an exemplary humble member of our community.