King/Haggar Scholars 2018 - Faculty Honors - University of Dallas

King/Haggar Scholars 2018 - Faculty Honors - University of Dallas

2018 King/Haggar Scholars Projects

Irene Alexander
Funding for summer research to complete a book on the biblical renewal of Catholic moral theology.
Jennifer Bannister
Funding for travel to the 2018 New Faculty Consortium sponsored by the American Accounting Association.
Janette Boazman
Funding for travel to present papers at the American Education Research Association annual meeting and the National Catholic Educators Association New Directions Exceptional Learners Conference. Papers include “Gifted Catholic School Students: Needs Expressed by Students and Parents.”
Scott Churchill
Funding for travel to conferences, including Keynote speech at 2018 First International Conference on Existential-Humanistic Psychology in Taipei: “Who Will I Be Then: Coping Existentially with Trauma, Loss, and Grief.”
Chad Engelland
Funding for summer research to write an article titled: “Anselm and the Semantics of Referring to God.”
Jose Espericueta
Funding for travel to the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in Barcelona, for a round table discussion and to present a paper titled “Commodity Aesthetics, Lack, and Tragedy: José Emilio Pacheco’s ‘Las batallas en el desierto.’”
Andrew Glicksman
Funding for summer research to work on two papers, one titled “God’s Child and Servant: the impact of pais on divine filiation in the Wisdom of Solomon,” and another on the theology of the Abraham narrative in Genesis.
Nefer Munoz-Solano
Funding for travel to the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in Barcelona, to present a paper entitled “Fragmentos de memoria histórica y literatura en Centroamérica: zigzagueos entre ficción y no ficción.”
Laura Munoz
Funding for travel to the National Conference in Sales Management in San Diego to present a paper.
Cynthia Nielsen
Funding for summer research to work on a paper on Hans-Georg Gadamer to be presented at the Canadian Hermeneutical Institute.
Anthony Nussmeier
Funding for summer research to complete a book titled Dante and the Politics of Literary Script: the De vulgari eloquentia; and the Fortunes of Medieval Italian Lyric.
Kim Owens
Funding for materials, hardware, online course work, and travel to develop knowledge of new digital processes, and to create new art work thematically titled “Forced Perspective.”
Rich Peregoy
Funding for research travel to MIT towards publication of a journal article entitled: “Spirituality & Wuity: a cross cultural application to management education in sustainability practices.”
Maria Perez-Bernardo
Funding for travel to the international conference Staging the Literary Translator. Roles, Identities, and Personalities at the University of Vienna to present a paper entitled “José Ortega y Gasset on Misery and Splendor of Translation.”
Mark Petersen
Funding for travel to the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in Barcelona, for a roundtable, a panel, and a paper entitled “Social Justice and Symbolic Power in Chilean Foreign Policy, 1919-1936.”
Carla Pezzia
Funding for travel to the International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association in Barcelona, to organize a roundtable discussion titled “Finding Common Ground: Reflections on Developing Coherent Latin American Studies Programs.”
Aida Ramos
Funding for travel and summer research at the Edinburgh University Library and the Scottish National Archives, the Hesburgh Library at the University of Notred Dame, and Marh’s Library in Dublin, Ireland.
Rob Walsh
Funding for studies in pursuit of credential as Personal Financial Specialist.
Matt Walz
Funding for summer research for completion of a translation and commentary on key questions from Aquinas’ ‘Summa theologiae’ that are foundation for the theology of the body.