Gifts and Donations

Gifts and Donations

Gifts & Donations

The University of Dallas Library’s resources have been developed over the years through the acceptance of many valuable and useful gifts. Donations have played a significant role in developing the size, depth, and diversity of our resources. Memorial monetary gifts or endowments for the llibrary are particularly welcomed for the flexibility they afford to the development of the collection. All potential monetary gift or endowment donors should contact the Dean of the Library to discuss possible gifts before donating.

Donations of Materials

In order to build a quality collection, the University of Dallas Library only accepts material gifts with pre-approval of the Acquisitions Librarian and then, without qualification or special restrictions, and with the understanding that upon receipt, all gift materials become property of the University of Dallas Library.


Each gift to the University Library is acknowledged unless the donor requests otherwise. Acknowledgments from the Library and the Office of Development and University Relations typically include the date of receipt, number, and type of gift donated.

Donor Recognition

The Library will place a bookplate inscribed with the donor's name in each gift donated if requested. Some donors prefer not to be publicly recognized. Please advise the Library of your preference when you offer your gift.

Tax Information & Appraisals

Federal tax law generally allows individual donors who give non-cash gifts to the University to claim a charitable contribution for the gift’s fair market value. Donors are encouraged to consult legal, tax accounting, or other professional advisors about the current IRS regulations governing non-cash charitable contributions.

Memorial and Honorarium Gifts

A minimum gift of 4100.00 may be made in memory or in honor of a friend or relative. The volume purchased with the gift will have a bookplate indicating the honoree and the donor. A letter of acknowledgment will be sent to the family or friend of the person in whose name the gift was given. Please furnish your name and address, the full name of the person to be honored or memorialized, the general subject area of the book to be purchased, and the name and address of the family member(s) or friend(s) you wish to have notified of the donation. The donor should contact the Office of Development and University Relations at 972-721-5134 for large monetary gifts or endowments. 

Archival Material 

The University Archives office accepts papers, photographs, and audio-visual materials pertaining to the University.   Please contact Zannah Buck at (971)721-5075 or Please write or call for inquiries.