This course traces the development of the central principles of chemistry and examines the applications of those principles in our world today. Specific topics include the atomic theory of matter, thermodynamics, the periodic table, molecular structure and properties, types of chemical reactions and the uses and abuses of chemicals.
Laboratory experience enables the student to develop and test hypotheses, use modern chemical instruments, improve logical and quantitative reasoning skills and provide scientific explanations of chemical phenomena. Three lectures, one laboratory weekly. Fall or Spring.
This course is a survey of the fundamental principles of chemistry routinely utilized in forensic examinations. A prime goal of this course is to develop in the student an understanding and appreciation of the scientific method of investigation. The lecture component of the course begins with an overview of forensic science and then covers a series of units in forensic reagents for spot tests and progressing through discussions of DNA analyses.
The laboratory component of the course consists of a series of case studies in which students,working as a forensic team, subject items of physical evidence to chemical tests and procedures, interpret the data and present results to solve the crime. Three lectures and one laboratory per week. Fall or Spring.
A lecture/laboratory course dealing with the theory and practice of quantitative chemical analysis. Topics include a survey of classical wet chemical techniques in gravimetry and titrimetry, as well as introductory instrumental methods in spectroscopy, electrochemistry and chromatography. Three lecture periods and two laboratory periods (two hours each) weekly. Fall.
Prerequisites: Chem. 1304 and 1104
This course covers the systematic use of printed and online resources in chemistry. Students learn how to search chemical literature effectively to find chemical information. Fall.
Students focus on descriptive chemistry of the elemental groups in terms of the electronic structures of the atoms, bonding theory and the periodic properties of the elements. The course also includes the study of acid-base theories, reduction-oxidation theory, coordination chemistry and symmetry properties. Three lectures weekly. Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem. 1304 and 1104
This is a sequential year course that studies the structural theories and properties of organic compounds; stereochemistry; functional group analysis; class reactions and organic synthesis; mechanism of reactions as applied to the study of aliphatic, aromatic heterocyclic compounds, and classes of biologically significant compounds. There is special emphasis on spectroscopic methods for molecular structure determination. Three lectures weekly. Fall (I & II) and Spring (I & II).
Prerequisite: Chem.1304
This is a sequential year course accompanying Chem. 3321 and 3322. Focus of study includes theory and practice of functional group determination, IR and NMR spectroscopy for molecular structure determination, synthetic methods and class reactions and chromatographic methods for isolation and identification. One four-hour laboratory period weekly. Fall (I & II) Spring (I & II).
Prerequisite: Chem. 1104
This course is a study of the underlying physical principles that govern the properties and behavior of chemical systems. Topics include thermodynamics, gases, chemical kinetics, quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and statistical mechanics. Three weekly lectures. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem. 1303 and 1304; Math. 1404 and 1411.
A laboratory experience that demonstrates the application of physical chemical principles and develops the ability to write comprehensive lab reports. The treatment of experimental data and error analysis is emphasized. Experiments include calorimetry, UV/VIS spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, rates of reaction, equilibrium and quantum chemistry. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in Chem. 3331-3332.
A sequential year course focusing on the study of living systems at the molecular and cellular level. An understanding of life's recurring strategies will be developed, including: 1) how the chemical structures of macromolecules (proteins and carbohydrates) relate to their biological function; 2) how enzyme mechanisms and energy flow catalyze reactions; 3) how interrelated metabolic pathways are regulated; and 4) how biological systems store, transfer and regulate energy and information. Students will also acquire experience in reading and presenting the primary scientific literature. Three lectures weekly. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem. 3322 or permission of the instructor. Chem. 3135-3136 should be taken concurrently.
This laboratory is designed to introduce several major techniques common to biochemical investigations. Techniques include: protein purification through chromatographic separations, protein characterization through spectroscopic and electrophorectic methods, immunoassay methods, enzyme kinetics and recombinant DNA techniques. One four-hour laboratory period weekly. Fall and Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem.3322 and concurrent enrollment in Chem. 3335-3336.
A lecture/laboratory course dealing with the environmental domains of the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere and the biosphere. Emphasis is given to the study of the major chemical systems in each domain, with hands-on laboratory applications of natural samples. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory period weekly. Spring, alternate years.
Prerequisite: Chem. 3321/3121 or consent of instructor.
A series of presentations, readings and discussions on topics from the primary scientific literature in chemistry or biochemistry. This course is intended to help develop a student's oral communication skills by presenting, listening to and discussing various chemistry topics. The course emphasizes the mechanics, style and substance of giving scientific presentations. Each student will give at least one presentation over the course of the semester. Student attendance and participation at each class meeting is expected. This course cannot be used to satisfy requirements of Chem. 4V43-4V44. One class weekly. Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem. 3151
A study of reactions and syntheses. Emphasis is placed on synthetic applications and relationships between structure and reactivity. Spring, alternate years.
Prerequisite: Chem. 3322.
Modern concepts of bonding, stereochemistry, molecular orbital theory and methods employed to determine reaction mechanisms and reactive intermediates. Extensive use is made of current literature. Fall.
Prerequisite: Chem. 3322
A lecture/laboratory course dealing with the theory and practice in instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Lecture topics include a survey of the fundamental components and operational functions of spectroscopic, electrochemical, chromatographic, and mass spectrometer instrument designs. Laboratory experiments include hands-on applications utilizing instruments available in the chemistry department. Three lecture periods and two laboratory periods (two hours each) weekly. Spring.
Prerequisite: Chem. 2414, Chem. 3322/3122, and Chem. 3331/3132.
Selected topics in the area of interest of an instructor or a need/ request by students. Fall and Spring.
Independent laboratory research. By; instructor permission required of instructor. A temporary grade of "T" will be recorded until a written report is submitted to and accepted by the instructor and an oral seminar is presented on the research project. The seminar must be scheduled during the semester immediately following the term in which the experimental work is completed. Fall and Spring.