Our Graduates
UD students who obtain their B.S. or B.A. in chemistry go on to do great things. Many choose to go on to medical school and, over the last 20 years, 95% of UD biochemistry students who have applied to medical school have been accepted. Others go on to graduate school and have received prestigious awards, such as a National Science Foundation fellowship. Many have presented at American Chemical Society meetings, and still others have continued research overseas or used their knowledge to teach chemistry in underdeveloped nations.
Elizabeth LaFrance 
1. What year did you graduate and what was your major?
I graduated in 2017 with a BS in Chemistry/BA in Classics with a Drama Concentration
2. Why did you choose UD?
I wanted a small Catholic school that was strong in the humanities, had an extensive core curriculum, and would simultaneously prepare me well for a career in STEM. The list of schools fitting that description are very small, particularly because schools that focus on humanities don't always have the robust science programs like the University of Dallas offers. It was the perfect choice to be able to gain a well-rounded and diverse education.
3. What are you doing now?
I am a Resident Physician in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and a Captain in the US Army
4. How did UD set you up for success?
UD formed me as a critical thinker, a scientist, and a person to prepare me well to be the best life long learner and bedside caregiver I could be.
5. Describe your experience at UD and it's impact on you.
UD formed me well as an individual and gave me the opportunities that allowed me to grow. From freshman year of learning the core, to completing all of my science and humanities classes to get my two very different degrees simultaneously, I was challenged and supported. UD helped me to be competitive for summer internships in chemistry, which allowed me the early exposure to career opportunities I needed to make informed choices and ultimately lead me down the path into medicine.
Brenna Rossi
1. What year did you graduate and what was your major?
I graduated in 2017 with a BS in Chemistry
2. Why did you choose UD?
UD's reputation for its Catholic identity and academic excellence drew me to visit it, and I simply fell in love with it when I visited
3. What are you doing now?
I now have a PhD in polymer science and work as a product development engineer at k-Space Associates designing thin film metrology equipment
4. How did UD set you up for success?
UD instilled good writing and record-keeping habits in me that took me far in graduate school. My ability to explain science in writing sets me apart from other scientists
5. Describe your experience at UD and it's impact on you.
I've been increasing grateful for the Rome semester in my post-graduate life. There hasn't been any other time in my life when I had so much freedom to travel and appreciate the sites I saw thanks to knowledgeable professors explaining their significance. The growth opportunities that the Rome semester offered were a great privilege which have benefitted me immensely.
Here's what some of our other graduates are up to:
Class of 2023:
Texas A&M University (College Station), Chemistry Doctoral Student
NanoFlowX, Chemist
Huntsville Hospital, ER Aide/Tech
Strake Jesuit, Teacher
Johns Hopkins Univ School of Medicine, Biochemistry Student
UTSW Medical Center at Dallas, Chemistry Doctoral Student
Class of 2022:
UTSW, Medical Student
Micron, Intern
Stanford, Lab Technician
University of Houston, Chemistry Doctoral Student
Class of 2021:
Bulletin Intelligence, Science Writer
UTSW, Medical Student
Virginia Tech Grad School, Chemistry Doctoral Student
UT Arlington Grad School, Chemistry Doctoral Student
UIowa Med School, Medical Student
Class of 2020:
Rochester Grad School,Chemistry Doctoral Student
John Hopkins Grad School, Chemistry Doctoral Student
Duquense Grad School, Chemistry Doctoral Student
WashU Grad School, Chemistry Doctoral Student
Class of 2019:
TWU - Dallas, Nursing School Student
Arkansas State Med School, Medical Student
New Mexico State University, Chemistry Doctoral Student
Signature Biologics
Univ of Nebraska Med School, Medical Student
Inform Diagnostics, Lab Technician
Class of 2018:
Class of 2017:
Class of 2016:
Genentech Biotechnology Company, Bioprocess Manufacturing Technician
Johns Hopkins University Graduate School, Material Science
Louisiana State University Graduate School, Chemical Engineering
National Chemsearch Latin American Division, Hazard Communications Specialist
Peace Corps, Chemistry Teacher in Guinea
Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, Lab Technician
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Medical Student
University of Dallas, Rome Resident Assistant