CARE researchers investigate the impact of housing and other economic factors in low-income communities. Topics studied include:
- The impact of place on household and individual outcomes
- residential mobility
- housing market impacts on neighborhoods
- impact of economic policies on low-income households
Zhang, L., Leonard, T., Dias, R. 2017. Foreclosed and Sold: An Examination of Community and Property Characteristics Related to the Sale of REO Properties. Urban Affairs Review. 53(5): 924-949.
Zhang, L., Leonard, T., Dias, R. 2017. Foreclosed and Sold: An Examination of Community and Property Characteristics Related to the Sale of REO Properties. Urban Affairs Review.
Leonard, T., Jha, N., Zhang, L. 2017. Neighborhood Price Externalities of Foreclosure Rehabilitation: An Examination of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Empirical Economics. 52(3): 955-975.
Higashi, R.T., Lee, S.J.C., Leonard, T., Pezzia, C., Pruitt, S.L. 2017. Family and Social Context Contributes to the Interplay of Economic Insecurity, Food Insecurity, and Health. Annals of Anthropological Practice. 41(2), 67-77.
Leonard, T. 2016. Housing Upkeep and Public Good Provision in Residential Neighborhoods. Housing Policy Debate. 1-21.
Leonard, T., Powell-Wiley, T.M., Ayers, C. Murdoch, J.C., Yin, Wenyuan, Pruitt, S.L. 2016. Property Values as a Measure of Neighborhoods-- An Application of Hedonic Price Theory. Epidemiology. 27(4): 518-524
Leonard, T., L. Zhang, C. Hoehner. 2015. Variations in Park Facility Valuations across Neighborhoods. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 8(1): 45-67.
Zhang, L., T. Leonard. 2014. Neighborhood Impact of Foreclosure: A Quantile Regression Approach. Journal of Regional Science and Urban Economics. 48, 133-143.
Leonard, T., Di, Wenhua. 2014. Is Household Wealth Sustainable? An Examination of Asset Poverty Reentry After an Exit. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. 35:2, 131-144.
Caughy, Margaret O., Leonard, T., Beron, K., Murdoch, J. 2013. Defining Neighborhood Boundaries in Studies of Spatial Dependence in Child Behavior Problems. International Journal of Health Geographics. 12:24.
Leonard, T. 2013. The Impact of Housing Market Conditions on Residential Property Upkeep. Housing Studies. 28:1, 33-56.
Leonard T., Caughy M.O., Mays K., Murdoch J.C. 2011. Systematic neighborhood observations at high spatial resolution: Methodology and assessment of potential benefits. PLoS ONE 6(6): e20225. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020225.