Cyber Security Director

Cyber Security Director

Leadership and management skills that go beyond programming.

Sandra Blanke

As one of the top programs in the nation, the University of Dallas cybersecurity program has been recognized for 14 consecutive years as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the National Security Agency and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The content and structure of the program is based on the real-world expertise of the cyber advisory council and faculty. All of the college’s cybersecurity professors have seen great success in academia and strive to make their classroom experiences enriching, both online and on campus. This, combined with the their decades of real world cybersecurity experience, keeps the curriculum engaging and focused on today’s most important cybersecurity concerns.

Our MBA and M.S. in cybersecurity programs provide students with an in-depth understanding of the complexities in protecting and defending infrastructures with an emphasis on leadership, management and the ethical issues that government and corporations experience.

Both the MBA and M.S. in cybersecurity can be completed 100% online—making the UD cybersecurity program an excellent choice for the working professional.

I am happy to answer any questions and I look forward to discussing the UD cybersecurity program with you.

Sandra J. Blanke, Ph.D., CISSP, CRISC
Associate Professor
Ellis Endowed Chair in Management Technology; Director, Center for Cybersecurity Education

Dr. Sandra Blanke joined the University of Dallas in 2005 and is an associate professor in cybersecurity education. She serves as the director for the center of cybersecurity education and is the Ellis endowed chair in management technology. Dr. Blanke is a certified information systems security professional (CISSP), maintains a certification in risk and information systems control (CRISC) and her Ph.D is in computer and information systems. Dr. Blanke is a former Verizon executive with over 20 years in enterprise technology and network operations.