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Gain New Perspectives, Find New Avenues to Explore, and Reduce Stress and Anxiousness. 

Opening up about your concerns in college is not a sign of weakness but rather a courageous step toward self-awareness and growth. By sharing your worries with others, you can gain new perspectives, explore new avenues, and reduce stress and anxiety. Remember that you're not alone; seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness. It's a powerful act that empowers you to take control of your well-being.

There are too many to list here. UD is full of dedicated and caring people who help you succeed. Even the grounds crew have been seen resting their chins on shovels while talking to students. Some of the sources to discuss include:

Family & Friends

Maintaining long-standing and intimate relationships with people who know, love, and accept you is essential for your overall well-being. It's not just about staying in touch; it's about feeling connected, supported, heard, and validated in your experiences. Schedule times to connect with friends and family back home and on campus to strengthen these bonds.

*Having an adult child in college is often a difficult transition for many families. Not all families can make this transition worry-free. If you are finding that you are having an especially difficult time with your family of origin, you may need to hop up to Step 5 or Step 6

**Friendships and friend groups can often change in nature and kind over time - much like moving from High School to College. This can be especially true with a community split between two campuses across the globe, and even more so after graduation. When you find that your social supports are shifting one way or another, remember that, while difficult and sometimes heartbreaking, this is often part of the maturation process and can lead to other great things in the future.


When learning to open up about struggles and needs, exercising prudence in what you tell and to whom is essential. Not everyone is entitled to all the details of your life, and not everyone can be the support you need them to be. This doesn't mean that those who cannot support you are deficient or that you are a burden. It simply means that the friendship still needs to be deeper or of the nature to provide this level of support. This does not mean you do not lean on your community. On the contrary, this is a sign for you to learn how to navigate and balance within a community. If you need additional thoughts about how to do this, the rest of our list is a great place to start!

Faculty & Staff

UD Faculty and Staff care deeply about their students and community. While not everyone will always see eye-to-eye on every matter, the fact that differences in opinion are encouraged by faculty and staff in a patient, reasonable, and open environment can help students in becoming independent thinkers. It shows that there is always someone willing to help you.  You are not alone.

Office of Student Life

The mission of the Office of Student Life is to cultivate a joyous, faithfully Catholic community that, in conjunction with and based in the academic mission of the university, forms students for a life of leadership and service grounded in Christian truth, virtue, charity, and human dignity.

The Dean of Students and his staff, the Director of Residence Life, the Director of Student Activities, the Residential Coordinators, various directors, other admin and staff, and the Residential Assistants in the dorms are always open to connecting with and supporting students. Meet them on the first floor of Haggar across from the Cafe; they'll be happy to see you!

Chaplain, Director of Campus Ministry, Campus Ministers, & FOCUS Missionaries

The staff of the various Ministries at the University of Dallas always welcome students who grace their door with warmth, kindness, and compassion. Campus Ministry is a great place to go if you need to talk, hang out, or study! You're sure to find a devoted and caring person here.
Meet the holy crew at SB Hall 254.


Sports players have a slightly different experience than the general college student. The coaches at UD have always been strong advocates for their players and try to support them in any way they can. If you are a sports student and have something that needs hearing, give Coach a shout.

Religious Men and Women

UD is in the Diocese of Dallas, neighboring Holy Trinity Seminary, and is blessed to have various religious communities nearby and on campus. These include the Cistercians, Dominican Friars, and Nashville Dominican Sisters, as well as proximity to Opus Dei, the Legionaries of Christ/Regnum Christi, and several other orders, Non-parish-based organizations, such as our neighbors rhw Young Catholic Professionals, can also be great places to connect, and of course there are many beautiful churches with strong and vibrant communities. If you aren't Catholic, since DFW is such a large and diverse metro area, there are likely just as many places of your faith or belief system around the area as well. 



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Wellness Mapping Steps and Purposeful Intentionality Materials ©2023, The Mental Well, PLLC. All rights reserved and used with permission.
Hero Background Image by Carl Swanson, 2020, open source.