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Utilize Campus resources. The University of Dallas has a wealth of resources many don't know exist; connect and get support.

There are times when you may need more direct support beyond talking it out, which is perfectly normal. Reaching out to the resources available at the University of Dallas is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of strength, maturity, and wisdom. It's essential for making the most of your college experience.

By reaching out and utilizing these resources, you're setting yourself up for a well-rounded and successful college experience. Remember, the University of Dallas community is here to support you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to connect and get the support you need. See the list of resources below.

Step 5 Printable Handout

Academic Success

Academic Support • Tutoring • Optimal Work

Campus Ministry

Liturgy, Ministries, Missions, Retreats, Spiritual Direction, Vocational Support, Marraige Prep, and more.
SB Hall 254 • 972-721-5375


Braniff Graduate School 
Dean Richard Dougherty • doughr@udallas.edu

Constantine College
(Undergrad students)
Dean Phillip Harold  • constantindean@udallas.edu • 972-721-5108

Gupta College of Business
J. Lee Whittington • cobdean@udallas.edu

Financial Aid

Can teach students how to make paying for college accessible, understandable, and actionable.
CFH 1st floor • 972- 721- 5266finaid@udallas.edu

Information Technology Systems

Need Tech help? Contact UDID
Gorman, Lower Level,  F and G • support@udallas.edu

Library Services

Instruction sections, research support, study support, and much more!
Contact Cowan-Blakely Memorial Library

Military & Veteran Services

The University of Dallas is dedicated to assisting veterans in their pursuit of higher education.
Sandy Morgan, Veterans Affairs Coordinator • Registrar's Office, 1st Floor CFH • 972-721-5221 •  smorgan@udallas.edu

Nursing Mothers & Parenting Supports

Breastfeeding options and more.
972-721-5056 •  iacosta@udallas.edu

Office of Personal Career Development (OPCD)

Prepares students for success in professional lives with various opportunities, experience, and ways to grow towards your vocational goals.
CFH 204 • 972-721-4135Schedule an Appointmentcareer@udallas.edu

Writing Lab 

Helps students improve their mastery of the skills of composition — invention, organization, and style. 
Braniff 304 • sematassa@udallas.edu

 *Department Heads, Admins, & Supports. See your Program Department Head, Administrative Assistants, Academic Advisors, Professors, and others for more!

Contact our Case Manager for additional referrals: counseling@udallas.edu.

Be not ashamed to be helped; for it is thy business to do thy duty like a soldier in the assault on a town. How then, if being lame thou canst not mount up on the battlements alone, but with the help of another it is possible?
Marcus Aurelius
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Wellness Mapping Steps Material ©2023, The Mental Well, PLLC. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Hero Background Image by Carl Swanson, 2020, open source.