Prospanica Webinar Series: Advanced Business Communications Badge
Prospanica and the University of Dallas have partnered to bring you Advanced Business Communications for Leaders as this year’s Prospanica Summer Webinar Series. Join University of Dallas experts to learn how to become a well versed communicator that can handle diverse settings and audiences.
Our world has significantly changed over the past year. Most meetings are conducted in a digital platform and consist of varying audiences; as professionals we are expected to remain effective communicators regardless of these constraints. This new mix of boundary spanning communications calls for competency in: accurately communicating while engaging within the media, being effective in virtual settings, acknowledging the role of emotions, handling conflictive communications, and recognizing and communicating with adults that require a more complex communication technique. A well versed communicator that can handle such diverse settings and audiences is key in business and in life.
Webinar Topics
Communications in Risk Management
Presenter: Laura Munoz, Ph.D.
Risk management is the ongoing process of forecasting and evaluation of risks and threats posed to organizations. Yet, while an organization might actively manage its risks if its communication efforts fail, then rumors, misinformation, and other challenges can occur. Communication in risk management will focus on covering the risk management cycle, the essential elements of effective risk communication, and best practices that can be implemented by attendees. The webinar briefly oversees what risk management is and addresses benefits that it provides.
Communications for Individuals with Complex Needs (Part 1): Communication is a two-way street: What to do when wires get crossed
Presenter: Rich Miller, DBA
When we communicate with others, we need to be aware of their communication preferences, but what happens when that is not obvious. People that you deal with every day are referred to as neuroatypical and their communication preferences are almost as if you are speaking another language to them. This webinar will provide the insights that a neuroatypical person has learned in being able to better communicate with the typical person and it will provide you with valuable insights that can improve your relationships with many people.
Communications for Individuals with Complex Needs (Part 2): Leading with collaboration - Engaging in appropriate and effective communication and conflict management practices in the workplace
Presenter: Cara Jacocks, Ph.D.
In this session we will define conflict management from a communication perspective and identify pathways and types of workplace conflict. We will also discuss conflict management styles and strategies, and how to select the most effective strategy given the context of the conflict. All of these skills direct attendees on how to be competent communicators and conflict managers in the workplace by focusing on appropriate and effective communication and conflict management strategies.
Emotions in Communications
Presenter: LaCoya Williams
Feelings play a major role in communication. Being aware of your emotions, or the ability to understand feelings, can help when communicating with other people. Join us as we explore how emotions directly influence the way we communicate. You will learn tools and techniques on being emotionally self-aware, how to notice and identify the feelings of others, so we can better communicate with those around us.
Earning the Badge
Actively participate in the 4 part webinar series that include – Communications in Risk Management, Communications for Individuals with Complex Needs (Parts 1 & 2), and Emotions in Communications, in addition to successfully completing online assessments for each of the webinars. The badge will be issued by the University of Dallas.
To view badge specifics, coming soon.
Contact UD
Have questions or want to speak to a person? Contact us at or 972-721-5299.