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Scholarships for Students of Italian

Italian Scholarships at the University of Dallas


Each year, generous donors associated with the Italian Club of Dallas fund a $1,000 scholarship (and in future years up to two) to be awarded to a meritorious student of Italian at the University of Dallas. All Italian Majors are eligible, and in certain circumstances Italian Concentrators may be considered for the award. In keeping with the mission of the Italian Club of Dallas, the goal of the scholarship is to promote Italian language and culture and to further the connection between Italy and the DFW metroplex. The scholarship will also help to defray the cost of study in Rome and Italy. Founded in 1977, The Italian Club of Dallas is a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring, preserving, and promoting Italian culture, language, history, and traditions. 
Please contact Dr. Nussmeier at anussmeier@udallas.edu for more information. 

Deadline: April 15 
Maximum Award: $1,000
Offered: annually


The “Enrica Ponti Zocchi and Aldo Zocchi Scholarship” 

Dr. Kent Zocchi and Dr. Christine Alvarado, the children of former University of Dallas Italian Professor Mrs. Enrica Zocchi, have funded the first endowed scholarship for students of Italian in our history. The endowment supports the “Enrica Ponti Zocchi and Aldo Zocchi Scholarship,” whose monies will be used to aid students of Italian at the University of Dallas. 

Please contact Dr. Nussmeier at anussmeier@udallas.edu for more information. 

The Italian Program Departmental Scholarship

UD departmental scholarships are available for incoming  high school seniors and transfer students who have applied to UD. They range from $1,000 to $5,000/yr. and are renewable for each year, and so the maximum award can approach $20,000 over four years. The Italian Program will ask prospective awardees to do an in-person interview in addition to other application requirements. 
Please contact Dr. Nussmeier at anussmeier@udallas.edu for more information or visit:
Deadline: January 15
Maximum Award: $1,000-$5,000
Offered: annually (renewable for up to four years)

Julia Duggan Memorial Scholarship (Modern Languages)

This scholarship of $1,200 goes to a top academic and financially needy student who is working towards a degree in one of our modern language programs.

Please contact Dr. Anthony Nussmeier, Chair of Modern Languages, at anussmeier@udallas.edu for more information.