Madie Mangan

Madie Mangan - Business Owner & Mom

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art
with Minor in Bio Psychology

University of Dallas, Irving, TX

After graduation, Madie (Hoelscher) Mangan worked as an operations assistant at Heritage Auctions in the Fine and Decorative Arts Department. Following that, Madie was an art teacher for grades 3 through 8 at Great Hearts Live Oak in San Antonio. She, then, became a nanny and an art tutor in Chicago until she had her daughter. Madie is a stay-at-home mom. She also creates beautiful rosaries. 

Madie said she traded her large encaustics for ink drawings and watercolors and her leaf sculptures for rosaries and embroidery. She looks forward to returning to her larger works when possible but she is also exploring the same ideas in different mediums.

Maddie said she has been blessed with a community that has encouraged her to continue her creative pursuits in motherhood as she entered various craft shows and local watercolor festivals with her husband and daughter by her side. Madie loves being a wife and a mom.

To purchase Madie's rosaries, click here. For her creative updates, check out her instagram here