Tony Veronese

Tony Veronese












Tony Veronese - Assistant Professor of 2D and Digital Art

2017 Master of Fine Arts in Painting
University of Dallas, Irving, TX

2015 Master of Arts in Painting
University of Dallas, Irving, TX

2014 Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts
Auburn University of Montgomery, Montgomery, AL

Artist Website: 

Artist Bio:
After graduating from the University of Dallas, Tony became a member of 500X where he served as Vice-President, as well as being selected for the 2018 Rising Star of Dallas exhibition and the 2018 OSO Bay Biennial. In 2020 he and fellow artist Marguerite Gilbertson were awarded a grant from the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts to construct Measured Space, a site-specific sculpture for the Caddell Sculpture Garden. Recently Tony was awarded the Edward L. Robbins award for his work in the Juried Exhibition Alabama A-Z, a survey of contemporary art in Alabama. In 2023, Tony accepted a position as a faculty member of the Auburn University at Montgomery Fine Arts Department, where he is the Assistant Professor of 2D and Digital Art.

Artist Statement:
Working primarily through drawing and painting, my work serves as an external attempt to connect and communicate the nuanced aspects of Western society.

I consider myself a by-product of the great suburban experiment of the 1980s and ’90s. Nearly uniform dwellings housed families practicing isolation through well-meaning facades of middle-class one-ness. Often, I construct visual conversations combining imagery and images to create snapshots of this collective. It is not that I wish to revisit the nostalgia of this period but rather sift through the remains to contextualize my own identity better.

The suburban middle class is increasingly outdated and evaporating but leaves behind echoes. What I strive to communicate is the questioning of belonging within the framework of modern society. Sustainability, family dynamics, and class migration/gentrification are constants that generate this line of dialogue.