Angela Skees

Angela Skees

Angela Skees








Bachelor of Arts 2007
Graphic Designer

2007 BA of Arts/Art History
University of Dallas, Irving, TX

Contact Information:

I am a graphic designer for Concrete Results, Inc., encompassing everything: from logo and website design, email help, eblasts, newsletters, flyers, catalogs, trade shows. The general rules of composition, layout and color that you learn in art history, shows the trends that people find beautiful, eye catching and unique. These qualities all make great graphic design. I also have taken on the roll of Yearbook Advisor at a local high school, which encompasses all the skills of design, plus a little bit of actual artistry. In my free time I love to do crochet, which has become my creative outlet when I can't get to watercolors or something more messy. Just as an aside, my website, , is my actual site that I started while attending UD! Still going strong.